Hi Simon Quiqley, (CC: debian-devel)

I'm trying to figure out how to get the hardinfo2 - release 2.0.12 into debian repository. hardinfo2 is a community fork of hardinfo and should continue as hardinfo package, currently maintained in debian by Simon Quiqley.

Salvo Tomaselli suggested to do ITP - And I would really love a common platform for developers and debian maintainers along with an easy to maintain package.

- But the pro's on "#debian-mentors on oftc" are so out of my league. - I am missing the overview - eg. how to test the debian build system with packages - do I need a salsa git? - Is this for project maintainers also? I have made deb source package with the build-in CPack - it has a debian directory - see https://github.com/hardinfo2/hardinfo2/releases/tag/release-2.0.12 attachments. All the binary packages for multiple architectures also work for all debian (7-13) - see https://hardinfo2.org/github/?latest_prerelease

But according to talk on oftc with sney, this might not be good enough for debian package building system. So I started doing something like in your salsa git.
Guess that I have to be a debian maintainer for doing the salsa git?! - Why does CPack not work with debian build system - could a small script fix it like:

*I have no knowledge about debian distributions building - but if anyone from debian would help us - _the hardinfo2 community project closes ALL BUGS in BTS for hardinfo!!_* - Hoping that could make someone interesting in guiding/helping with debian repository update of hardinfo to hardinfo2 community edition for all tested versions (debian 7-13(sid)).

In advance thanx,*


*Here is the status of hardinfo debian bugs - _All except 2 on wish list are to be closed_ - And there are a lot more fixes in hardinfo2 - release 2.0.12!:
#853749 [i|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo gets segmentation fault -> FIXED ~7 crashes and alot more #947159 [i|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo segfaults when running benchmarks -> FIXED out of range crash
Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (7 bugs)
#523930 [n|  |  ] [hardinfo] [hardinfo] After some time it stops giving any kind of information -> FIXED OLD ERROR #585685 [n|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: Sometimes hangs when using "Devices->Storage". Missed dependencies. -> FIXED udisks2 #638951 [n|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: does not show usb devices -> FIXED sysfs #658985 [n|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: benchmark graphic bar lengths confusing and undocumented. -> FIXED #721122 [n|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: unable to generate or/and save reports -> FIXED OLD ERROR #967518 [n|  |♔] [src:hardinfo] hardinfo: depends on deprecated GTK 2 -> FIXED GTK3 #1014266 [n|  |  ] [src:hardinfo] hardinfo: Consider packaging new upstream snapshot? - FIXED when hardinfo2 released as hardinfo package.
Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; Unclassified (4 bugs)
#492989 [m|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: doesn't use gnome preferred browser -> FIXED xdg_open #524844 [m|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: benchmark results unreadable -> FIXED GTK3 #572799 [m|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: dipslays SATA drives as SCSI -> FIXED sysfs #886280 [m|  |  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: Change icon in .desktop file -> FIXED .desktop file
Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Patch Available (1 bug)
#1051775 [w|+|  ] [hardinfo] hardinfo: Please add support for hardinfo -> FIXED loongarch
Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Unclassified (1 bug)
#486471 [w|  |  ] [hardinfo] [hardinfo] library for icons which are in hardinfo and tango? -> CLOSE WON'T FIX
Forwarded bugs -- Minor bugs (1 bug)
#483136 [m|  |↝] [hardinfo] [hardinfo] shows only one temperature-sensor -> FIXED
Forwarded bugs -- Wishlist items (6 bugs)
#446613 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] gpu benchmark -> *ON WISH LIST - LEAVE OPEN*
#455568 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] hardinfo: 'Storage>IDE Disks>CD-RW 52x24>Speeds' gives puzzling DVD speed. -> FIXED OLD ERROR #455569 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] hardinfo: Please add sorting to 'Computer>Kernel Modules', et al.
#458507 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] improve benchmark-system -> FIXED new methods
#458838 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] benchmarks: marking average -> FIXED on webpage - lot more to come. #487835 [w|  |↝] [hardinfo] [hardinfo] phoronix & hardinfo? -> *ON WISH LIST - LEAVE OPEN*

above is from:

Best Regards


*Søren B. Kristensen*
hardinfo2 Community Maintainer

GitHub - https://github.com/hardinfo2/hardinfo2
Project www - https://hardinfo2.org
On 02/03/2024 02:58, hwspeedy wrote:

Hi Simon Quigley, Debian Maintainer, (CC: debian-devel list)

We are proud to suggest new hardinfo2 release 2.0.12 to be included in debian repositories - test on debian 7 - SID(13).


PS: My first release, so please guide me, thanx.

Best Regards


*Søren B. Kristensen*
hardinfo2 Community Maintainer

GitHub - https://github.com/hardinfo2/hardinfo2
Project www - https://hardinfo2.org

On 19/02/2024 01:05, hwspeedy wrote:

Hi Simon Quigley, Debian Maintainer,

We are rebooting the very nice app called hardinfo as hardinfo2.
- There is no other app like this one, so it deserves a space.

GitHub - https://github.com/hardinfo2/hardinfo2
Project www - https://hardinfo2.org

*Reason for name change:*
- the domain is used for private stuff
- the hardinfo name is unavailable for community

The package is still called hardinfo to allow for upgrading - but everything else is changed to hardinfo2 for the program name, github name, homepage, etc.

*We would like a little help upgrading the app in the Debian, if that is possible.*

Please check out this prerelease - if you could provide feedback for the package building system, thanx.


In the past every distro released this package with different compiler settings and dependencies and optional apps, resulting in poor user experience. - So putting the packaging into the project should give a common ground for developers and distro maintainers. - And due to no release for more than 10 years, a lot of users are also going to the source code in GitHub - a package is a better way of helping them.

On the prerelease page is also an overview of changes for hardinfo2 versus hardinfo in Debian.

*The contributions have almost vanished to zero due to no releases  - but we hope to get the community active now with a new Debian and Redhat release. I am working with lpereira, the original app creater, who is busy, but has agreed to be my backup in case anything happens.
Please include her in all responses, thanx.

*_We still have some work before a release_*, but would like your feedback on the build/packaging system, etc.

In advance thanx,


Best Regards


*Søren B. Kristensen*
hardinfo2 Community Maintainer

GitHub - https://github.com/hardinfo2/hardinfo2
Project www - https://hardinfo2.org

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