I have the feeling, that this is some kind of semi-AI generated chat.
I think we should stop it now.
Imre, Nagy
2023. 10. 30. 2:29 keltezéssel, Lukasz Szybalski írta:
On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 3:41 AM Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
On Fri, 2023-10-27 at 14:00 -0500, Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> What is the minimum most value thing that would
> help YOU accomplish your goals for Debian ?
Check out this page if no-one gives anything more specific:
Paul, Marc, Andrey
Thanks for replying.
To narrow it down:
*Vision of Debian:*
Create a free operating system, freely available for everyone.
Coding and Maintaining Packages <https://www.debian.org/intro/help>
Testing and Bug Squashing <https://www.debian.org/intro/help>
/In these 2 goals:/
What is the minimum most valuable thing that would help YOU accomplish
your goals for Debian ?