What meant the term: "Informatics"? The term: "Informatics"; was coined in 1962 by Philippe Dreyfus and derives from the French language and would mean:
"Automatic Information" ! In Italian it means: "Automatic Information"! Subsequently the term " Automatic Information", over the decades, became: "Informatics"; and no one took care to remember the roots of the word and to highlight the true meaning in the French language. Philippe Dreyfus, was born in Paris on 04 November 1925 and died on 30 July 2018 in Biarritz; he was a pioneer in the Informatics industry. After taking the Master's Degree in Physics in 1950, at the Higher School of Physics and Industrial Chemistry in Paris, he was hired as Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University, where he used the computer: "Harvard Mark I" which was funded by (IBM) International Business Machine for its construction. Please read carefully the website: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informatique Best Regards, Paolo Del Bene [17bdP]