Simon Richter <> writes:

> The only thing we actually need is a versioned Replaces that allows
> orphan-sysvinit-scripts to take over ownership of the conffile.

> Conflicts is unneeded here, and the daemon package does not need to
> declare any relationship. They can use

>     Depends: systemd-sysv | orphan-sysvinit-scripts

> but really that doesn't do much because orphan-sysvinit-scripts is going
> to be pulled in anyway, so I'd rather avoid the clutter.

Normally Conflicts is always added with Replaces because otherwise you can
have the following situation:

* Package A version 1.0-1 is installed providing file F.
* File F is moved to package B as of package A 1.0-3.
* User installs package B, which replaces the file in package A.
* User upgrades package A to version 1.0-2 (*not* 1.0-3). Or, rather,
  tries, because this will fail with an error due to the file conflict.

Unless I misunderstand how this works, I believe the Conflicts is
necessary to force dependency resolution to realize version 1.0-3 of
package A is needed when the F-providing version of package B is

My personal opinion is that if we're going to do this, we should do it

>> Less prone to errors than a manual process might be to watch
>> automatically where legacy startup scripts disappear anyway; it's not
>> that complicated to do. People tend to forget things.

> No, we shouldn't set the bar this low. We're talking about DDs here,
> they should all have passed P&P and T&S tests.

Passing P&P and T&S doesn't help you not forget things.  Debian packaging
is already hard enough; we should automate as much as we possibly can.  A
comprehensive checklist of everything you're supposed to think about when
packaging a Debian package doesn't exist (Policy is certainly shy of
that), and if it did, would form a hardcover book large enough to use as a
boat anchor.  We should be tryingn to whittle that down over time with
automation and tools, not rely on people's memory and constantly
re-reading Policy.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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