Andrew Cater wrote:
>On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 03:03:40PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> I had been thinking about doing similar for installer images too, but
>> with other work going on too I think it got too late in the cycle to
>> make that change. My plan is therefore to ship i386 installer images
>> for bookworm as normal (including bookworm point releases going
>> forwards), but to disable those builds for testing/trixie ~immediately
>> after the release.
>I'd honestly suggest *just* publishing DVD1 for i386.
>Netinst requires internet access: DVD1 can be used to install a basic
>system without this. Scrap *everything else* for i386 installation media.

We've had this discussion before. I don't see the point in removing
choice here at *really* short notice before bookworm, but still
keeping a non-zero number of installer images for the architecture. It
saves us very little effort and doesn't really gain us anything.

This is why I'm talking *now* about dropping things for trixie.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
< sladen> I actually stayed in a hotel and arrived to find a post-it
          note stuck to the mini-bar saying "Paul: This fridge and
          fittings are the correct way around and do not need altering"

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