Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: jarebear6expepjozn6rakjq5iczi3irqwphcvbswgkahd6b6twnxxid 
* Package name    : cve-bin-tool
  Version         : 3.2.0 
  Upstream Author : Teri Oda <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : The CVE Binary Tool is a free, open source tool to help you 
find known vulnerabilities in software, using data from the National 
Vulnerability Database (NVD) list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 

The tool has two main modes of operation:

    A binary scanner which helps you determine which packages may have been 
included as part of a piece of software. There are 288 checkers which focus on 
common, vulnerable open source components such as openssl, libpng, libxml2 and 
    Tools for scanning known component lists in various formats, including 
.csv, several linux distribution package lists, language specific package 
scanners and several Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) formats.

It is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration system to 
enable regular vulnerability scanning and give you early warning of known 
issues in your supply chain.

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