
So I've seen this idea floating around in the past couple of years
(and in some places even earlier), but I started doing it for
the couple of pieces of software that I am upstream for after reading
Daniel Stenberg's blog entry:

And then, a couple of weeks ago, I quietly checked whether
the Debian FTP team would be okay with that by uploading two NEW
packages without any years mentioned in the debian/copyright file:
either upstream or for my Debian packaging. And, lo and behold,
they were both accepted (python-parse-stages and python-test-stages).

So how do people feel about this in general, would it be okay for
me to start doing it:
a) for other packages that I maintain personally, outside any team
b) for team-maintained packages (I guess this one might be a per-team
   decision, discussed separately on the appropriate lists)

(obviously, I'm not asking for permission or anything; apparently
 at least one member of the FTP team is okay with me doing it at
 least for some packages. This is more of a "float the idea, see
 what people think about doing this more widely, not just me")

Thanks for reading this far, and keep up the great work!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org p...@storpool.com
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