Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Bo YU <>

* Package name    : ubelt
  Version         : 1.2.3 
  Upstream Author : Jon Crall <>
* URL             :
* License         : (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.)
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : A Python utility library with a stdlib like feel
  and extra batteries. Paths, Progress, Dicts, Downloads, Caching, 
  Hashing: ubelt makes it easy!

Ubelt is a small library of robust, tested, documented, and simple 
functions that extend the Python standard library. It has a flat API 
that all behaves similarly on Windows, Mac, and Linux (up to some small
unavoidable differences). Almost every function in ubelt was written 
with a doctest. This provides helpful documentation and example usage 
as well as helping achieve 100% test coverage (with minor exceptions 
on Windows).

The package blocks to be fixed for #1024047 and I will maintain it
under DPT. 

  Bo YU

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