On Fri, 2022-10-21 at 16:28 +1100, Phillip Smith wrote:

> Where/How do I submit patches for Debian packages?

It completely depends on the preferences of the team or person who will
be reviewing the patches. Most teams and package maintainers accept
changes via Salsa merge requests, but, as mentioned by Julien, patches
attached to bug reports are usually also acceptable.

> I have a small improvement for the iptables-persistent package;
> I cloned the repo and made a patch (attached) on a branch, but it
> appears the public aren't welcome to create accounts on
> salsa.debian.org in order to create merge requests?

The public are welcome to create accounts on Salsa, but due to large
numbers of spammers signing up for accounts and due to the Salsa admins
being part-time volunteers, there may be some delay in the account
approval process, so patience is helpful.

> Are patches even welcome?

Debian always welcomes patches, although usually it is a better idea to
submit patches upstream first, so that they benefit all users instead
of just Debian users. When upstream isn't responsive the Debian
maintainer can be a patch recipient of last resort though.

Of course since iptables-persistent is a native Debian package,
the upstream in this case is the package Debian itself.



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