
Quoting Paul Wise (2022-09-20 02:38:30)
> On Mon, 2022-09-19 at 20:50 +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
> > Recent changes in GitHub releases pages, I cannot check upstream
> > version with uscan. How do you deal with it?
> If you are using the automatically generated tarballs, then
> just switching to the uscan git mode seems like the way to go.

the only reason I'm not using git mode for all my upstream projects that use
git is this paragraph from the uscan man page:

    If the upstream publishes the released tarball via its web
    interface, please use it instead of using this mode. This mode is
    the last resort method.

This sounds like I should rather use other methods like rewriting my d/watch
files to use api.github.com before using this "last resort" method.

Is this paragraph still accurate?


cheers, josch

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