Some considerations for project improvement:

1. Debian should already offer users a minimal installation mode similar to
Ubuntu, without media players, games and office applications.

2. Debian should follow Doug Gwyn's words in stating that Unix was not
designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also
stop them from doing smart things; the operating system must trust the
user. Writing this, a big problem is not knowing how to differentiate the
desktop environment from desktop applications, treating these factors as if
they were the same thing. For example, the user cannot be prevented from
removing the default web browser (desktop application) to replace it with
another one of their choice as this breaks the desktop environment. Where's
the freedom? I repeat again: desktop environment and desktop applications
are not the same thing, so they shouldn't be treated as such either.

I hope these proposals will be taken into account and discussed by the
developer team.

Good luck to the project and everyone.

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