Control: retitle -1 mirrors must support also HTTPS in order to be considered official
> This is related to: Quoting This change is more about recognizing HTTPS as the primary transport protocol for the modern Web, not sending mixed signals regarding the general security risks posed by plain HTTP when used for unrelated purposes, and no longer needing to repeatedly explain to users that Debian has gone to great lengths to implement package distribution security which doesn't really depend at all on transport layer encryption. Original Subject: mirrors must support HTTPS in order to be considered official should have been: mirrors must support also HTTPS in order to be considered official I have retitled this wishlist bugreport accordingly to make more clear that the wish is about **adding** another transport protocol, not about **switching** transport protocol. Groeten Geert Stappers -- Debian has gone to great lengths to implement package distribution security which doesn't really depend at all on transport layer encryption.