Hi! While packages are allowed to not support entire architectures outright, there's a problem when some code requires a feature that is not present in the arch's baseline. Effectively, this punishes an arch for keeping compatibility. The package's maintainers are then required to conform to the baseline even when this requires a significant work and/or is a pointless exercise (eg. scientific number-crunching code makes no sense to run on a 2002 box).
With that in mind, in 2017 I added "isa-support" which implements install-time checks via a dependency. Alas, this doesn't work as well as it should: * new installs fail quite late into installation process, leaving you with a bunch of packages unpacked but unconfigured; some apt frontends don't take this situation gracefully. * upgrades when an existing package drops support for old hardware are even worse. * while a hard Depends: works for leafy packages, on a library it disallows having alternate implementations that don't need the library in question. Eg, libvectorscan5 blocks a program that uses it from just checking the regexes one by one. Suggestions? Meow! -- ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ Eight legs good, four legs bad! -- when your drider pwns a ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ smelly goodie centaur. ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Rearkick OP -- my grandpa's brother-in-law got one-shotted ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ from full hp in RL, please nerf!