On Fri, 2022-03-04 at 13:27 +0100, Stephan Lachnit wrote: >> Can you point to some quick guide on how to do this for gmail? The >> support page seems kinda confusing to me.
> This usually requires you running your own mail server (for outgoing > mail). > I don't think mail providers like GMail allow you to set up DKIM for > individual IP addresses. I wonder if this is a good opportunity to share what I am doing for this. I do not use gmail anymore, stopped using months back but that does not matter. Also, do not have the b/w to setup own mailserver, so what I do is that I sign my mails "locally" as MUAs can also support DKIM signing, and I send that via SMTP. I use mutt primilarily, and months back I found this smart trick to do so, see this link[1] -- created dkim keys locally, modified that script a little and the .msmtprc and .muttrc a little, and voila! Saw something similar for emacs as well[2] I actually found a very helpful advice in the 'comments' section(by Ucko) of Anarcat's blog[3] that helped. Happy to share more details if someone needs. [1]: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=210976 [2]: https://github.com/BramvdKroef/dotemacs/blob/master/dkim.el [3]: https://anarc.at/blog/2020-04-14-opendkim-debian/ Regards, Nilesh
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