On Fri, Feb 04, 2022 at 10:49:43AM +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> CMake removes the RUNPATH
> just before installation, so it doesn't become a security problem,
> but that's too late to stop it from affecting the build-ID - and the
> *length* of the build directory can also affect the contents of the
> binary, because when RUNPATHs are removed, it is done by overwriting
> them with zeroes in-place, leaving a run of zeroes with the same length
> as the removed RUNPATH.

Aha! This was the piece I was missing. I hadn't figured out that cmake
was resetting the RUNPATHs along the way, which explains why I didn't
spot any /nonexistant/whatever/... strings in any of my checks.

Excellent explanation as usual.


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