2021, സെപ്റ്റംബർ 3 8:22:51 AM IST, Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk>ൽ എഴുതി
>I am very worried about how complex node-* packages in Debian have 
>become since ftpmasters explicitly stated a not-too-small rule and we 
>began more aggressively embedding.  E.g. version of each embedded 
>project is hidden by default, and those packages manually adding virtual 
>packages has no mechanism to ensure that versions don't jump backwards 
>or disappear due to a typos.

Apparently reducing package metadata size is more important than every other 
consideration. It has become very difficult to get new people into js team 
after we started embedding as the complexity has increased very much from 
earlier days. 
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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