Hi, > It is really stunning that the Debian project, including the TC > overrides the dpkg developer and maintainer Guillem, and still using > dpkg for package management. Maybe Debian should switch to some other > software, like rpm-based used by Fedora or even guix used by GNU?? Or > perhaps the Debian project should come to senses with the force of > things upon users and developers/maintainers without their approval > (consensus-free)? > > Debian, the Universal Operating System was used some years ago! >
It's really the kind of problem that make Debian look like a crazy non sense operating system. People using program options as a way to shout their opinion to the world... It's a problem with many FOSS project that benefits mainly from volunteer work. Because they need to job done, they can't have any coercion against developer (as a difference, your boss can impose you things). This may be a good thing as it promote creativity and sometime allow emergence of better practice. But in other case, most of the time, it just give a bad look. Reminds me of when I worked with the Tiki CMS project. I was using node with some tools to do pre-processing of JS code and HTML validation. So I added my package.json to the distribution, in case other developer want it. Ended up with a 3 month useless discussion regarding if this would give a bad impression, that we need to use node for doing development. Later on I was working on a plugin that treated huge amount of data. So I introduced Vue.JS, again a three month discussion with people saying it's a overhead, even after explaining that you can't always do server side processing and serve all the data at a time. Even if people didn't understand a word about the global concept and the system as a whole, they halted the project. So I just let go my participation. Now 4 years later, they are integrating Vue.JS and Node doing code validation while development. One of the main reason some people don't want to invest time in FOSS project is exactly because of that type of toxic situation that make everyone look like crazy nut head. Sometime we also have to accept choices we dislike (hey, we teach this to kids). -- Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development
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