Am Freitag, dem 04.06.2021 um 19:43 +0200 schrieb Florian Weimer:
> I want to add a few patches to this repository:
>   <>
> Surely there must be some tool support to help with that?  I know how
> to do it manually (perhaps even involving quilt).  Has every Debian
> developer their own script for that?  (It's like this in RPM land …)

Looks like an "overlay"-layout (debian/-only approach). I'd suggest to fork the
repository, download the tarball to some directory using apt-get source -d, and
create .git/gbp.conf enabling the overlay layout, setting debian-dir to "sid"
or using ignore-branch, and possibly defining tarball-dir.


Then you can use `gbp buildpackage` to export the source, work in it, create
patches, add those patches to git (I'd like to see `gbp pq` handle this layout
though - it would make things a lot easier). Then create a merge request.

To be honest there are different layouts, but just a few. IMHO one can easily
learn them. I haven't seen anything unusable with git-buildpackage yet.

Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <> |
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