Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Roland Mas <>

* Package name    : qemu-web-desktop
  Version         : 21.01.21
  Upstream Author : Emmanuel Farhi <>
* URL             :
* License         : AGPL
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : Start and access a virtual machine from a browser

The service allows authorized users to launch a remote virtual
machine, and display it in a browser window. No additional software
installation is needed on the client side.

Once installed (see below), connect to http://server/qemu-web-desktop
The user credentials can be tested against IMAP, SMTP, and LDAP. In
this case, a user ID (login name) and password are
required. Authentication can also be achieved using an email sent with
connection information.

When authentication is successful, a virtual machine is launched and
can be displayed in the browser window. In most cases (this depends on
the configuration - see below), a unique "token" is requested to
secure the connection.

This software was initially developed at Synchrotron Soleil, but can
be useful to others. I'm not currently looking for co-maintainers or a
sponsor, but I'll maintain it under the Debian group at Salsa.

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