Steve McIntyre <> writes:

> Marc Haber wrote:
>>I was not aware of that feature. It is good to have that, but I would
>>be embarrassed to seriously suggest this way because we can't manage
>>to get WLAN working in the installer for political reasons.
> Are we seriously just going to describe our Free Software goals as
> "political reasons"? Should we just abandon them?

FWIW, I did not read Marc that way.

Somehow, the Free Software goals have been interpreted to mean that
there is a difference in "free" between firmware on device internal
flash and firmware on host ssd.  This makes no sense from a technical
point of view.  Which makes the interpretation political if we assume
that the decision is made by otherwise sane people ignoring technical

No one has described the Free Software goals as "political reasons".

Perosnally, I believe the current Debian handling of firmware works
against the Free Software goals.  That should worry those who care more
about those goals than the political reasons for disliking some types of


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