On 12/01/2021 16:14, Sven Joachim wrote:
On 2021-01-12 16:36 +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 02:48:22PM +0000, Dan Pal wrote:
Hello Debian Developers,

Hello World,

I am writing to you from my Debian-Buster 10.6 laptop – that used
to be a Windows 10 laptop. I would not be using Debian at all except I
was able to find a dvd version at debian.org to install. I couldn’t
install from a net install version because of my wireless chipset not
being supported directly by Debian. The current policy of hiding other
versions of Debian is limiting the adoption of your OS by people like
me who are interested in moving from Windows 10.

Seen the "I think it could be better", not yet seen the "how"

Please elaborate the improvement.

Provide a way to discover the working netinst with non-free firmware,
right now it seems to be impossible to find.

The official netinst image advertised on the homepage is for servers and
virtual machines only.  How is an average user of Windows or even other
GNU/Linux distributions supposed to know that official Debian images do
not offer network access during installation on desktops and laptops?


I concur with this, trying to get a netbook with non free wifi hardware working is difficult, at least for me, but much easier with non free, I understand that Debian is about free software,

I know someone else who said that they found finding the right ISO difficult.

windows just works, Debian is better because it respects user freedom,just sacrifice getting your network working, oh and that makes it harder to ask for help if you can't connect to the internet or local network easily.

Trying to explain they need to use non free just puts them off esp when they can't find it.

I think we need to avoid alienating people as bad experiences travel fast.

Please just provide links to free and non-free from the home page.

Perhaps have an intermediate pages between or some sort of text that explains one version works ok with non free hardware, and if you want it easier to work with, then non free is available, but there is less support as such, plus users kinda going against the spirit of free software, do that in a nice way.

Perhaps then provide links to a list of hardware vendors that work better with free software (help users out a little)


Paul Sutton
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