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Dear Debianites,

The MiniDebConf India Content team would like to call for proposals for
the MiniDebConf India 2021[1] conference, which will take place online,
from January 23rd to 24th, 2021.

# Introduction
MiniDebConf India, organised by the Debian India community and supported
by Debian, will be streamed online so you can participate wherever you are.
Aims to introduce and propagate Debian and Free Software in Indian
We are currently set up for talks in English, Hindi and Malayalam.
However, if you are more comfortable presenting in another language from
the subcontinent, we would be more than happy to consider your proposal!
The event will run from 1000 to 2100 hours IST (0430-1530 UTC) over two

# Submitting an Event
You can now submit an event proposal[2]. Events are not limited to
traditional presentations or informal sessions (BoFs): we welcome
submissions of tutorials, performances, art installations, debates, or
any other format of event that you think would be of interest to the
Debian community.

Regular sessions may either be 20 or 45 minutes long (including time for
questions), other kinds of sessions (workshops, demos, lightning talks,
…) could have different durations. Please choose the most suitable
duration for your session and explain any special requests.

In order to submit a talk, you will need to create an account on the
site. We suggest that Debian Salsa account holders (including DDs and
DMs) use their Salsa login when creating an account. However, this isn’t
required, as you can sign up with an e-mail address and password.

# Timeline
- - Talk Submission deadline: Sunday, January 10th 2021
- - Acceptance notification: Monday, January 11th 2021

# Topics can be anything that is relevant to Debian and Free Software.

# Online Talks
We expect speakers to pre-record their talks in advance. Live talks at
an online conference are prone to technical problems, resulting in bad
quality videos. We strongly encourage you to record your presentations
as instructed here[3]. You can interact with the audience on the IRC

# Code of Conduct
The event is covered by a Code of Conduct[4] designed to ensure
everyone’s safety and comfort. The code applies to all attendees,
including speakers, and to the content of all presentations. Do not
hesitate to contact us at india.m...@debconf.org if you have any
questions or are unsure about certain content you’d like to present.

# Video Coverage
As this is an online conference, talks will be streamed live over the
Internet. Unless speakers opt-out, all scheduled talks will be recorded
and published later under the DebConf license[5] (MIT/Expat), as well as
presentation slides and papers whenever available.

Please note that, although we will make your wishes known to the
participants, we cannot control whether attendees record and publish
your talk from the live stream.

# Questions/Queries
In case of any queries or issues that require redressal, reach out to
the organizers at india.m...@debconf.org

See you all at the conference!

MiniDebConf India Team

[1] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org
[2] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/talks/new/
[4] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/about/coc/
[5] https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/LICENSE

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