On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 08:55:40 +0200
Tobias Frost <t...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 03:32:54PM -0500, Richard Laager wrote:
> > >> Don't forget to mention the copyright information.  
> > > 
> > > In principle yes, but these data are not copyrightable as far as I know.
> > > Nilesh has mentioned the origin of data in debian/tests/README to
> > > provide a reference.  If you consider this information not sufficient
> > > please let us know a better way.  
> Note, IANAL;
> I don't know if DATA itself is copyrightable, however, the act of collecting
> data can to my understanding constitute copyright.

Nor am I, but I can assure you... it gets absurdly gray after data has been
published. Many publications reference data from other existing publications.
The assumption is generally- it's silly to re-create all the work all over
again to investigate a new idea when other sources have already gone through
the effort of producing that data.

Copyright law is also kinda interesting in this regard; not just because of
"fair use" laws, but also because because published scientific data is generally
intended to be re-used and verified.

Taking published data and sticking it into tests to ensure the same data results
doesn't just verify published data was correct; it also provides potential new
discoveries when the results no longer appear to be correct.

Citations are typically expected, but so is data re-use.

(citations -> d/copyright)

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