
while DebConf was running we did not made our weekly meeting (well,
there was a Debian Med BoF) and last week several regular contributors
had no time.  But we want to continue with our video mettings so
this is another weekly call for a Debian Med COVID-19 video conference.
I can confirm that we made quite some progress in Debian Med COVID-19
tasks and received a lot of support from newcomers but there are lots of
remaining tasks - so newcomers are always welcome.
For those who would like to join our next videomeeting it will happen at

The meeting is on the Debian Social channel


These weekly video meetings were started in the Debian Med
Biohackathon[1].  The topic is what contributors have done in the past
week and to coordinate the work for next week.  Here are the reports
of some past meetings:


To repeat myself: Newcomers are always welcome.

Have fun

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2020/03/msg00010.html


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