On 28/08/2020 16:00, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Hi,
> I was afraid I lost the mail, but I have it, great.
> My suggestions about this topic I am very interested in is:
> - using the debian welcome wiki page and IRC channel, the team has an
> interesting background to base a platform I think
> - I created there a draft to get a tool for profiling newcomers in order
> to suggest contributions ways and appropriate resource:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Welcome/BrainStorming  (first heading)
> - I attach a draft about how we could fill the debian welcome wiki page
> to hope users and contributors. I dsill did not release, as it is a WIP
> and I dont want to change so much the wiki before being ready, but here
> is it attahced
> Thanks for this project I hope we can work together on it with our
> skills and experience
> Best regards
> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
> Debian Developer non uploading
> Community team member
> Accessibility team member
> debian-l10n-french team member
> President of Debian France non-profit organization
> Le 28/08/2020 à 21:14, jathan a écrit :
>> Hi everybody,
>> Due many of you liked the talk and the initiative, I would like to start
>> the team and an official wiki for Debian Academy. I was wondering
>> whether to create it in the team or community section. Can someone
>> please tell me what would be most suitable?
>> Regards!
>> Jathan
Hi Jean
I have read the Welcome Team Wiki and I find that the Debian Academy
should have its own Wiki space since the main purpose is to create an
official Debian E-Learning platform, not help in general just to new
Debian users. Thanks a anyway for your suggestion. I share the Debian
Academy Team wiki if someone would like to join:



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