On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 01:07 +0200, David Kalnischkies wrote:
> Frankly, I was just honest as this thread-style annoys the heck out of me,
> but I guess I could have worded that a bit differently to make more obvious
> what I mean. So, let me explain where my anger comes from:
> You started with:
> | not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I recently noticed
> | a change in APTs lookup for Recommends. Maybe also for other dependencies.
> So, you "asked for help", but not in debugging APT or related, but in finding
> where this change/bug in APT is discussed, providing your opinion on why the
> change should be fixed/reverted ("policy", "wide spread usage") and asking
> others to join in ("What are your thoughts on that?" [that = the change]).
> Or in other words: You were asking for help in forming a mob to force the bad
> apt devs into behaving (slightly exaggerated for effect).
> That your example is both not showing the described problem and easy to
> reason about showing that the bug you have postulated doesn't exist is
> "just" icing on the "It is obviously APTs fault" cake.
> It isn't what you meant to say of course, but you would be surprised how often
> that style is used rather than the intended "I have no idea why APT does that
> here, could someone please explain it?".

It was my fault that I didn't test and debug properly before writing the e-mail.
I'd known from other users that the behavior worked before, but I was too dumb
to reproduce it.

I never intended to blame anyone or form a mob... Maybe you should not try to
read too much between the lines, and just try to accept that we all make
mistakes or have misunderstandings.

I'm willing to accept my mistakes, but I always try to keep the tone nice. Even
when I'm annoyed by someone.

If we could all just try to be nice to each other the world would be a better


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