On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 23:11, Peter Silva <pe...@bsqt.homeip.net> wrote:

> Most Sarrracenia stuff is tied to AMQP, but next-gen messages are called
> v03 (version 3) they use a JSON payload
> for all the information, and that makes it somewhat protocol independent.
> There is also a 500 line MQTT demo
> that implements a file replication network, using the same JSON messages,
> and primed from an AMQP upstream.
> https://github.com/MetPX/wmo_mesh
> the peer code there is just a demonstration prototype, but it processes
> the messages the same way as real Sarracenia.
> That code has been run against mosquitto and EMQT, and I think another
> broker, I forget... It worked without issues on all of them. MQTT interop
> is flawless afaict.   note: we were using v3.  Have not played with v5.
> Sarracenia essentially defines a JSON payload for advertising that a file
> exists. That is a fairly popular problem, but if your problem isn´t that,
> then you should define a different payload.  It could be used for file
> replication, or orchestration/workload co-ordination, or other things in
> the IFTTT style... but in the end, this is just one application of a
> message bus, it doesn´t need to encompass all applications, but is a good
> way to get a useful thing implemented with it, so people see that it is
> useful.   I think applications need to define their messages, and trying to
> be too general makes them harder to understand and apply.

Right, I think every application participating in communication through the
bus could also provide a message schema (either json or yaml schema) on
demand. I.e. it when a message is sent, it would also always include a
reference to a particular schema and if the recipient of the message
doesn't have this schema stored locally, it would send a message to the
sender asking for it and the sender would send it back.

I am an upstream maintainer of fedmsg now and this is an option that I see
to make fedmsg a viable solution for a linux distribution message bus. If
somebody would like to cooperate on this from Debian community, it would be
great, I think we could create an awesome thing together. Needless to say,
I also have a day job and quite a long TODO queue but I could get to
working on this if I can get somebody else interested.

If not, a confirmation from somebody from Debian community that this is
interesting and they would think about using it if something like this
existed would also help.

Best regards!

> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 5:57 PM clime <cli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> <for what it is worth>
>>> I work in telecom for meteorology, and we ended up with a general method
>>> for file copying (catchphrase: rsync on steroids*.) ( *every catchphrase is
>>> a distortion, no dis to rsync, but in certain cases we do work much faster,
>>> it just communicates the idea.) Sarracenia (
>>> https://github.com/MetPX/Sarracenia) is a GPL2 app (Python and C
>>> implementations) that use mozilla public license rabbitmq broker, as well
>>> as openssh and/or any web server to do fastish file synching, and/or
>>> processing/orchestration. The app is just json messages with file metadata
>>> sent through the broker. Then you daisy chain brokers through clients.  No
>>> centralization (every entity installs their own broker), No federated
>>> identity required (authentication is to each broker, but they can pass
>>> files/messages to each other.)
>>> A firstish thing to do with it would be to sync the debian mirrors in
>>> real-time rather than periodically.  Each mirror has a broker, they get
>>> advertisements (AMQP messages containing JSON file metadata) download the
>>> corresponding file, and re-advertise (publish on the local broker with the
>>> local file URL) for downstream clients. You can then make a mesh of
>>> mirrors, where, if each mirror is subscribed to at least two others, then
>>> it can withstand the failure of any node.  If you add more connections, you
>>> increase redundancy.
>>> Once you have that sort of anchor tenant for an AMQP message bus, people
>>> might want to use it to provide other forms of automation, but way quicker
>>> and in some ways much simpler than SMTP.  but yeah... SMTP is a lot more
>>> well-known/common. RabbitMQ is the industry dominant open solution for AMQP
>>> brokers. sounds like marketing bs, but if you look around it is what the
>>> vast majority are using, and there are thousands upon thousands of
>>> deployments. It's a much more viable starting point, for stability, and a
>>> lot less assembly required to get something going. Sarracenia makes it a
>>> bit easier again, but messages are kind of alien and different, so it takes
>>> a while to get used to them.
>>> </for what it is worth>
>> Peter, I like the solution and for the mirrors it sounds great but I have
>> a few nitpicks:
>> - the file syncing part is makes a perfect sense for the debian mirrors
>> but in general case you might only want to send a message and skip the file
>> syncing part
>> - I am currently, personally more intrigued by even more standard
>> technologies than RabbitMQ and I believe that a good solution might lie
>> there
>> What I particularly like about Sarracenia is that it is decentralized
>> because each host has its own broker - that I think is cool and I would
>> like to potentially do something similar...
>> clime
>> On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 01:07, clime <cli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 01:00, clime <cli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 22:45, Nicolas Dandrimont <ol...@debian.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, at 21:51, clime wrote:
>>> > > > On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 20:40, Nicolas Dandrimont <ol...@debian.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > Hi!
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > On Sun, Mar 22, 2020, at 13:06, clime wrote:
>>> > > > > > Hello!
>>> > > > > >
>>> > > > > > Ad.
>>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2016/07/msg00377.html -
>>> > > > > > fedmsg usage in Debian.
>>> > > > > >
>>> > > > > > There is a note: "it seems that people actually like parsing
>>> emails"
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > This was just a way to say that fedmsg never got much of a user
>>> base in the services that run on Debian infra, and that even the new
>>> services introduced at the time kept parsing emails.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Hello Nicolas!
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Do you remember some such service and how it used email parsing
>>> specifically?
>>> > >
>>> > > I believe that tracker.debian.org was introduced around that time.
>>> > >
>>> > > At the point it was created, tracker.d.o was mostly consuming emails
>>> from packages.debian.org to update its data. These days tracker.d.o has
>>> replaced packages.d.o as "email router", in that it receives all the mails
>>> from services (e.g. the BTS, the archive maintenance software, buildds,
>>> salsa webhooks, ...) and forwards them to the public.
>>> > >
>>> > > > I am still a bit unclear how email parsing is used in Debian
>>> > > > infrastructure, don't get me wrong, I find it elegant
>>> > >
>>> > > Ha. I find that it's a big mess.
>>> > >
>>> > > Here's the set of headers of a message I received today from
>>> tracker.d.o, which are supposed to make parsing these emails better:
>>> > >
>>> > > X-PTS-Approved: yes
>>> > > X-Distro-Tracker-Package: facter
>>> > > X-Distro-Tracker-Keyword: derivatives
>>> > > X-Remote-Delivered-To: dispa...@tracker.debian.org
>>> > > X-Loop: dispa...@tracker.debian.org
>>> > > X-Distro-Tracker-Keyword: derivatives
>>> > > X-Distro-Tracker-Package: facter
>>> > > List-Id: <facter.tracker.debian.org>
>>> > > X-Debian: tracker.debian.org
>>> > > X-Debian-Package: facter
>>> > > X-PTS-Package: facter
>>> > > X-PTS-Keyword: derivatives
>>> > > Precedence: list
>>> > > List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:cont...@tracker.debian.org
>>> ?body=unsubscribe%20facter>
>>> > >
>>> > > I'll leave you to judge whether this makes sense or not.
>>> > >
>>> > > (and it turns out that the actual useful payload was just plaintext
>>> with no real chance of automated parsing)
>>> > >
>>> > > > but from what I have found (e.g. reportbug), in the beginning
>>> there is an
>>> > > > email being sent by some human which will then trigger some
>>> automatic
>>> > > > action (e.g. putting the bug into db). So it's like you could do
>>> all
>>> > > > your work simply by sending emails (some of them machine-parsable).
>>> > > >
>>> > > > So do you have the opposite? I do some clicking action somewhere
>>> and
>>> > > > it will send an email to a certain mailing list to inform human
>>> > > > beings? Or let's not just clicking but e.g. `git push` (something
>>> that
>>> > > > you can still do from command line).
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Do you have: I do some clicking action somewhere and it will send
>>> an
>>> > > > email to a certain mailing list where the email is afterward
>>> parsed by
>>> > > > another service which will do an action (e.g. launch a build)
>>> based on
>>> > > > it?
>>> > >
>>> > > Both of these are somewhat true.
>>> > >
>>> > > Some examples of email-based behaviors:
>>> > >  - Our bug tracking system is fully controlled by email.
>>> > >  - Closing a bug in reaction to an upload is done by an email from
>>> the archive maintenance system (dak) to the bug tracking system.
>>> > >  - Salsa has a webhook service that react to UI clicks (e.g.
>>> "clicking the merge button") by sending an email to the BTS (e.g. to tag
>>> bugs as pending), or to tracker.d.o (for new commit notifications).
>>> > >  - Some of our IRC bots are triggered by procmail rules.
>>> > >  - At some point mentors.debian.net depended on a NNTP gateway to
>>> the debian-devel-changes mailing list to trigger removal of superseded
>>> packages (...)
>>> > >  - etc. etc.
>>> > >
>>> > > I'm still not sure where your trail of questions is going? fedmsg in
>>> Debian has been dead for years at this point, and there still doesn't seem
>>> to be much interest to implement anything beyond email parsing in some of
>>> our core systems.
>>> >
>>> > Cool, so basically what I am thinking about is to create a free
>>> > software from what you are describing. I.e. create reusable tooling
>>> > out of the Debian messaging system. Something that a new linux
>>> > distribution can easily start using to connect their services.
>>> >
>>> > I didn't know Debian infra works like this but I find it very
>>> > elegant/efficient and I would like the solution you have to be
>>> > reusable by others.
>>> >
>>> > So basically the tooling should contain:
>>> > - unified email message format
>>> > - library that is able to translate a message to a language data
>>> > structure (e.g. dictionary in python)
>>> > - email receiver that would be listening for emails coming from the
>>> > bus and emitting events based on that (this could be part of the
>>> > library so you would be able to attach a callback for an incoming
>>> > message or just do blocking waits)
>>> > - email publisher - something that can send a new message into the
>>> > bus, i.e. to a preconfigured mail server (a "broker" or "hub")
>>> > - mail server that would have an http API to manage topic
>>> > subscriptions  (i.e. add/delete me from a given topic) - it would
>>> > receive a message from a publisher for a given topic, found out who is
>>> > subscribed to it, and duplicated the email message for each consumer
>>> > and send it to them
>>> >
>>> > For the mail server I am thinking about https://www.courier-mta.org/
>>> > and using https://www.courier-mta.org/maildropgdbm.html for
>>> > subscription management.
>>> >
>>> > Basically, this I thought could be a new "email backend" in fedmsg
>>> > instead of zeromq one...
>>> >
>>> > I am not very familiar with email technology but I like the idea
>>> because:
>>> > - if you do an email setup for people, you are going to already be
>>> > technically skilled to do it for services or vice versa
>>> > - one of communicating agents may be a human being that is watching
>>> > what's going on in system by having dedicated inbox folders for each
>>> > type of event (topic) - no amqp/zeromq/mqtt -> email translation is
>>> > needed here - everything is just email (except for irc messages
>>> > emitted based on those)
>>> > - i think this can be optimized to work very reliably inside one
>>> > infrastructure (e.g. debian.org) but at the same time it is easy for
>>> > an outside listener to join in with his/her own service and start
>>> > doing some stuff based on Debian events (if the subscription hub is
>>> > public)
>>> > - it uses the most standard and compatible protocol possible (SMTP) so
>>> > shouldn't be an opinionated technology - theoretical message
>>> > throughput will be limited because of that (i suspect SMTP is not
>>> > extremely fast) but it should be still sufficient to handle all the
>>> > distribution events
>>> I forgot one large advantage - it is compatible with your way of
>>> operating services by sending emails to them, it is just about making
>>> the interface standardized across applications...
>>> >
>>> > I am still exploring ideas to do a federated message bus so this is
>>> one of them
>>> > Please, take this as a wild brainstorming, maybe I should have given
>>> > this more time to settle in my head but on the other hand, I won't
>>> > mind being pwned too much here
>>> > clime
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > Bye,
>>> > > --
>>> > > Nicolas Dandrimont

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