❦ 24 mars 2020 05:37 -05, Michael Lustfield:

>> > Kubernetes is already using Go modules. They happen to have decided to
>> > keep shipping a `vendor/` directory but this is not uncommon. It is
>> > often considered as a protection against disappearing modules. So, there
>> > is nothing to be done upstream. And BTW, there are currently 616
>> > dependencies, pinned to a specific version.  
>> I wonder if the existence of Software Heritage could convince them
>> disappearing modules aren't a problem, or if another service is
>> needed.
> I think this is a symptom of the tools being used. Using 'go vendor' is a
> documented step in nearly all golang-based "release tutorials." Most never 
> even
> get as far as considering that maybe their source should have a version,
> because the toolset mentality is "download latest at build time."

With Go modules, that's not true anymore. It will use the minimal
version satisfying the minimal versions specified in go.mod.
Follow each decision as closely as possible with its associated action.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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