Hi Marco,

On 2020-02-15 20:44, Marco d'Itri wrote:
On Feb 15, Harald Dunkel <ha...@afaics.de> wrote:

I am maintainer for mg, currently on salsa. Problem is, upstream
doesn't release tar balls anymore, but moved the code to github.

I plan to do something like this for ppp, which now has a proper
upstream git repository but no actual releases in a long time:

mkdir /dev/shm/ppp/
cd /dev/shm/ppp
rsync -aH .../ppp-2.4.7/ ppp-2.4.7/
cd ppp-2.4.7/
git branch -m upstream tarupstream
git checkout tarupstream

git remote add upstream https://github.com/paulusmack/ppp.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout remotes/upstream/master
git switch -c upstream
git merge tarupstream --allow-unrelated-histories
git branch -d tarupstream

git tag ppp-2.4.7+20191019
git checkout master
git merge ppp-2.4.7+20191019
dch --preserve --version 2.4.7+20191019-1+1 "New upstream snapshot."
cat << END > debian/gbp.conf
upstream-tag = ppp-%(version)s
pristine-tar = False
compression = xz

patch-numbers = False
gbp export-orig

Cool, thanx very much. I have tons of this kind of self-made recipes
in my doc folder. Very helpful.


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