
I have been working with the coin3 [1] package and I have found some
curious situation today. I have build the package in my pbuilder without
any problem. Then I have tested the ci so:

- at Jan 8, 2020 3:08 PM I have pushed to salsa and the ci was activated
building the sources but failing _only_ reprotest. [2]
- at Jan 8, 2020 3:08 PM I have pushed a modified version (d/changelog,
d/watch) and the sources doesn't build.

It seems that some OpenGL test failed, but it was working so I don't
know which package have entered in unstable in that period that could
modified that test.

Investigating a bit I have found that CMake has some documentation with:

Some Linux systems utilize GLVND as a new ABI for OpenGL.  GLVND
separates context libraries from OpenGL itself; OpenGL lives in
"libOpenGL", and contexts are defined in "libGLX" or "libEGL".  GLVND is
currently the only way to get OpenGL 3+ functionality via EGL in a
manner portable across vendors.
Projects may use GLVND explicitly with target ``OpenGL::OpenGL`` and
either ``OpenGL::GLX`` or ``OpenGL::EGL``.

I apologize if I make an stupid question, but what are the default
values that I should set in a package that use OpenGL in Debian knowing
that we have a great diversity of arch? Or, if someone could point me
where to get the information of that change.

Best regards,


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/coin3
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/coin3/pipelines

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