As I wrote, no need to complain, but act.
Both are now in the NEW queue, and both need some kind of init.d sysv-rc script. Please anyone, contribute that init script. My proposal is for Debian to standardize on: /bin/tmpfiles and: /usr/bin/sysusers Once this is up and working in Debian, then IMO, we can set this in the policy. Then we could mandate having a Depends: systemd | opentmpfiles if one package is using /bin/tmpfiles, or Depends: systemd | opensysusers if a package is using /usr/bin/sysusers. I'm not sure why there's both /bin/systemd-sysusers and /usr/bin/systemd-sysusers, and which one should be used. Maybe Michael, you know? rather than on the [systemd-] prefix, which would make a lot of sense. I'm open for having /bin/systemd-tmpfiles and /usr/bin/systemd-sysusers as being the standard, though IMO, it doesn't look like the spirit. Your thoughts my friends? Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo) P.S: Please do contribute to these repos, and add yourself as uploaders if you're interested. It's in the "debian" Salsa namespace for a reason...