Am Mittwoch, den 01.01.2020, 11:19 -0600 schrieb John Hasler:
> andrew.mcglashan wrote:
> > is very limited to a small group of Debian users known
> > collectively as DDs...
> It is limited to the people who actually do the work.  Why should the
> fact that you chose to download, install, and use some software that
> someone wrote and generously made available to you for free give you any
> right to participate in their decisions as to what to do next.

Even if users don't have voting rights we bound ourselves to them by the Debian
Social Contract: "4. Our priorities are our users and free software [..]" to
which all DDs agreed (myself included). So there must be ways for our users to
participate in the decision making.

Your view might reflect the current reality but it is not what we have signed
up for.

Regards, Daniel

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