Am Sonntag, den 06.10.2019, 22:09 +0200 schrieb Bernd Zeimetz:
> Hi,
> > I'm struggling with it for a while now and I couldn't find the solution.
> > I have a package maintained with git-buildpackage. And now, that I
> > "cannot" upload binary packages I tried to compile the new version with
> > the option to create a source-only changes file too. But for some reason
> > that changes files are not created.
> I'm using this alias:
> % type git-bcS
> git-bcS is an alias for gbp buildpackage --git-builder='debuild -i^\.git 
> -i^\.travis.yml -I.git -S -d'

JFTR: If you add a .gitattributes file and set the files like .travis.yml to
'export-ignore', they shouldn't be there at all and you don't need to exclude
them from dpkg-source.

Regards, Daniel

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