Hi, win32-loader is a Windows (Win32) executable to ease the installation of Debian on a PC running Windows.
The Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is used to create the win32-loader targeting character sets that are native to Windows ME/98/95 (also known as x86-ansi installer). This leads to code page conversion issues for example as described in Bug #939151. Therefore I intend to switch win32-loader from an x86-ansi to an x86-unicode installer. The drawback would be that Windows versions prior Windows XP would no longer be supported. I have no idea how many installations of Windows ME/98/85 are still being used out there in the wild. However independent of this number there might be reasons to keep respectively restore Windows ME/98/95 support for win32-loader. If you are aware of any reason then please let me know. Furthermore I would like to increase user confidence and trust by digitally signing the win32-loader executable. As a side effect user friction could be reduced. For example Microsoft SmartScreen [1] warns the user with the message: "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.". How could win32-loader be enhanced with a Debian code signing certificate? Last but not least I wonder if there would be any value in distributing win32-loader via the Windows Store [2]. The idea stems from the availability of "Debian for the Windows Subsystem" in the Windows Store. Cheers, Thomas [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SmartScreen [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Store_(digital) -- I welcome VSRE emails. See http://vsre.info/