Hi all Debian wiki says the following about pkg-config executables for cross compilation in https://wiki.debian.org/CrossBuildPackagingGuidelines:
> When cross-building the build must select the correct tools who's output > varies with architecture. This is usually done with an explicit GNU triplet > prefix (arm-linux-gnueabi- ia64-linux-gnu-). This applies to the following > tools: gcc, g++, binutils (ld, as, strip, ar, readelf etc), pkg-config However these prefixed pkg-config executables do not exist e.g. for armhf. The only one I can see is for mingw, which is provided by mingw-w64-tools. This page refers to a package called "cross-pkg-config" but that does not exist either: https://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/Cross The only thing that is even close is arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-pkg-config, which is provided by the pkgconfig:armhf package, but it is an arm executable so it can't be used for cross building (not without qemu anyway). I seem to remember using these prefixed packages in Debian some releases ago but googling does not provide any useful information on what has happened to them. They are available in Ubuntu: https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf Are prefixed pkg-config packages supported on Debian at all with current sid? If yes, how does one get them installed? If not, how are packages and end users supposed to handle cross dependencies, especially in the case where you need both native and cross dependencies at the same time? Thanks, (not subscribed, so please cc)