Am Mo., 8. Juli 2019 um 09:14 Uhr schrieb Thomas Goirand <>:
> On 7/8/19 12:34 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > As long as your build-depends are properly versioned, why can't you just
> > upload all the source and let wanna-build sort it out?
> >
> > Scott K
> This means that I have to baby-sit the Debian archive and upload
> everything in the correct order, waiting for the previous upload to be
> accepted and online.

But why? If the build dependencies are tightened enough so that builds
are run in order anyway, this issue shouldn't occur. If a dependency
isn't built in the correct version yet, the package will just wait
with its build until the dependency does become available.

> BTW, one very important thing: are the buildds configured to use
> incoming at least? If so, that probably could be bearable.

AFAIK they indeed do that.

> [....]


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