On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 at 12:04:39 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> [What is currently stable, etc.] is available via the ftpmaster API
> service, and by reading symlinks
> in archive mirrors.  I think the idea of having this information in a
> .deb too (ideally kept up to date in all in-support releases,
> including LTS) is a good one.

distro-info-data.deb has this information for Debian and Ubuntu, in a
CSV file. It has convenience bindings for Perl, Python and CLI, and is
also used by recent versions of Debian's implementation of lsb-release.

It doesn't currently get an exemption from (old)stable releases' stability
policies, but the data is in src:distro-info-data, separated from the
convenience bindings in src:distro-info, presumably so that it could
get updated more often if that was felt to be important.


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