Ian Jackson [2019-06-25 11:09:06+01:00] wrote:

> ~Ansgar writes ("getting rid of "testing""):
>>   deb http://deb.debian.org/debian debian11 main
>>   deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security debian11-security main

> Yes, please, absolutely.  And this should be the default.

> The syntax "debian11" is precisely right.  Please don't add a hyphen
> to it, as hyphens are already used for separating things like
> -security.

> For now, the `debian11' can be an alias.

As a mere user I'd say this is the best approach: add debian10, debian
11 etc. alias or perhaps later make it the proper name.

My first Debian was Woody. I remember that Sarge was after that, then
Etch or Lenny (I think), but it all started to blur at that time. Now I
know that I'm using Debian 9 but don't remember its name. I don't
remember what was the name of the previous version.

I think it's best to use version numbers for communication with users
and to configure Debian (like sources.list).

Anyway, thank you for this excellent operating system.

/// Teemu Likonen   <https://github.com/tlikonen> //
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