On Sat, 2018-11-10 at 11:25 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Mattia Rizzolo (2018-11-09 21:29:30)
> [a range of fine details snipped]
> > Good bye, and thank you for your contributions you made back then!
> Thank you, Mattia.  I found above to be a decent and polite post when I 
> read it yesterday.
> Today after reading that other response I felt the need to share my 
> impression.
I couldn't disagree more. I found it (and very nearly replied to this
affect) to be exactly as Willy characterised it ("full of self-
justifications" etc) and can entirely understand why, under the
circumstances, he should have become even more upset having received
it. To respond to the initial mail in that fashion was _incredibly_
tone deaf.

I think the MIA team need to understand that some people who have left
Debian may not want to be involved in any kind of retirement process,
for whatever reason, and to simply honour those wishes (which in this
case were made *very* clear) by just dropping it instead of continuing
to poke at it or try to justify actions up to the point where it
becomes clear they do not wish to be involved.

There is absolutely no value here to Debian having the last word and/or
being "technically in the right in having follow our procedures". The
maximum response which I would consider to have been acceptable would
have been:

   ACK, we will have DAM remove you instead of retire. I'm sorry to
   have bothered you more than necessary.

   Good bye, and thank you for your contributions you made back then!

and even then I think it would have been better to simply say nothing
at all, in accordance with Willy's wishes.


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