03.03.2018, 10:14, "Andrey Ponomarenko":
> Hi there!
> Good news for all interested in hardware compatibility and reliability.
> I've started a new project to estimate reliability of hard drives and SSD in 
> real-life conditions based on the SMART data reports collected by Linux users 
> in the Linux-Hardware.org database since 2014. The initial data (SMART 
> reports), analysis methods and results are publicly shared in a new github 
> repository: https://github.com/linuxhw/SMART. Everyone can contribute to the 
> report by uploading probes of their computers by the hw-probe tool!
> The primary aim of the project is to find drives with longest "power on 
> hours" and minimal number of errors. The following formula is used to measure 
> reliability: Power_On_Hours / (1 + Number_Of_Errors), i.e. time to the first 
> error/between errors.
> Please be careful when reading the results table. Pay attention not only to 
> the rating, but also to the number of checked model samples. If rating is 
> low, then look at the number of power-on days and number of errors occurred. 
> New drive models will appear at the end of the rating table and will move to 
> the top in the case of long error-free operation.


I've just created a Deb package for hw-probe. See 

The command to replenish the database:

    sudo hw-probe -all -upload

One can also use a lightweight all-in-one AppImage (Debian 8 and later, Ubuntu 
12.04 and later) or Snap package (Debian 9 and later, Ubuntu 14.04 and later) 
to make a probe of the computer w/o the need to install any Deb packages to the 


Deb package sources are available in the OBS project: 

Thank you.

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