
When all people can complain about are the codenames, it means we are doing
things fairly well :)

On 18/04/18 08:20, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-04-18 at 11:16 +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
>> No, users and, I suspect, a large part of admins and developers cannot
>> easily say which of two codenames is newer, and it doesn't matter what are
>> those two codenames. Numeric versions are usually used to help with this,
>> but not so much in Debian.
> I've been developing a habit of writing both number and codename:
> Debian 9 (stretch) and Debian 42 (billgates).
> I think it would be a good habit for others as well, especially in
> public-facing communication.

That's a very good point, particularly for announcements. I'll try to keep it in


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