Andrey Rahmatullin <> writes:
> On Mon, Jan 01, 2018 at 05:26:35PM +0000, Sean Whitton wrote:

>> IMO the point of the field is to ensure that you /don't/ have to
>> upgrade to the latest version of Policy right away.  It allows you to
>> keep track of the version of Policy you are up-to-date with, so you can
>> do it later/someone more interested in the changes can do it.

>> I think that Lintian shouldn't warn about not using the latest
>> Standards-Version; perhaps it should warn when you're using a really
>> old one.

> If S-V is declaring that the package conforms to some older version of
> the policy then all the tools should check that package against that
> policy and not against the latest one.

I don't see how that follows.  We still have a standard that we're trying
to maintain for packages in the archive, and the fact that maintainers of
one package have not had a chance to review the package against that
standard for the more fiddly and less important bits doesn't change what
the standard is.

I think of the Standards-Version header in a package is a bookmark: this
is where I last left off in updating the packaging.  It doesn't change the
standard by which the package should be judged.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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