On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 03:46:58PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> This is all kind of a mess, and I think Debian would be well-served by
> looking for opportunities to minimize the very real and significant cost
> to Debian contributors for doing boring and demotivating paperwork.
> That's probably more important, in general terms, than problems that are
> strictly theoretical.
> The problem with all of these discussions, however, and the reason why I
> largely stopped participating in them (particularly with my Policy Editor
> hat on), is that the rules for what one actually has to do in Debian to
> get a package accepted are a bit confusing and only partly documented, and
> the people who set those requirements basically don't participate in these
> discussions.  As long as the decision-makers aren't participating and we
> don't have clear documentation of the rules, even talking about it is
> pointless.
> I feel like what we really need is a working group that contains members
> with the authority to speak for ftpmaster, along with a good cross-section
> of interested parties, to get together on a public but separate mailing
> list and hash out a concrete proposal for how we think copyright and
> license notices should work in the project.  Then bring that back to the
> project.  Otherwise, we're just going to keep having this discussion every
> three months or so, and nothing is going to really change.


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