Hi, Please take this email as another call to keep the hard work in improving our operating system and user experience, specially for new users. Several times I've detected that we lack reports from final users using our system, so here is another case.
Recently a friend of mine tried his first take at Linux in his laptop/desktop. He tried Linux Mint in the laptop machine which worked out of the box: wifi, external usb hardware, etc. He then tried Debian Stretch in the desktop machine. He has been sending me feedback of what happened, and the issues so far were: * no support for the wifi interface of the dekstop machine (this was expected, fixed by installing non-free package by hand, since no network) * no support for RW on NTFS drives, only RO. This wasn't fixed even by installing ntfs-3g [0]. Both issues together were enough for my friend to directly move to Linux Mint in both machines, which is not fine, but anyway he is now using Linux since he didn't came back to Windows, which is great :-) I didn't have the time to investigate the NTFS issue myself, sorry :-( No debate intended, just information, a simple real-world case. This was somehow an advanced user, enough for installing the operating system by himself, but not enough to know the deep internals of Debian/Linux. best regards. [0] https://wiki.debian.org/NTFS