On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 06:16:07PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote: > > Previous on mailinglist > alioth-staff-replacem...@lists.alioth.debian.org > > IMHO is debian-devel@lists.debian.org a better place for this. > > > ----- Forwarded message from Enrico Zini <enr...@debian.org> ----- > > Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:03:26 +0200 From: Enrico Zini > <enr...@debian.org> To: > alioth-staff-replacem...@lists.alioth.debian.org Cc: Geert Stappers > <stapp...@stappers.nl> Subject: Re: [Alioth-staff-replacement] Fwd: > Re: Alioth needs your help User-Agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2) > > > >> SSO doesn't have own backends. > > > Isn't db.debian.org the backend that knowns about all DD? > > > > SSO, as it is right now, is NOT a user managing thing. SSO is ONLY > > taking existing users from one or more (two right now, > > db.d.o/alioth) backends, and allows them to have a single sign on on > > connected debian services, nm.debian.org being the biggest of it, > > DebConf pages the next one (that i know of). > > > > If someone is willing to invest the time and work to make SSO fly up > > and be THE one point other things can connect to, meaning that it > > eats DD data from db.d.o but does its own user management for > > non-DDs, and also willing to maintain that over time - and then also > > add stuff like being an ouath provider, SAML something, whatever > > those things are called by now, so that applications/services can > > easily be connected to it - then setups like gitlab/gitea/whatever > > can go and use it as a provider, and not the other way round. > > > > I am pretty sure the current maintainers of sso would love to get > > help, possibly to the point of being happy to entirely give it to > > someone who really wants to invest the time and work, also i cant > > speak for them, so talk to them for more. > > Hi there. I'm not on this list, keep me Cc-ed or add me to the list as > you wish. > > I am currently the only maintainer of sso.d.o and I confirm what > Ganneff said. > > Currently not only sso.d.o doesn't do any user database, but it also > never sees the users' web password or alioth passwords. Authentication > is delegated to apache's mod_ldap, and I just see what's in > REMOTE_USER. A bug in my code, with the current setup, won't leak > users' passwords no matter what. > > I'm happy to give up maintenance of sso.d.o entirely and I don't mind > if it gets replaced with whatever makes sense. The current setup is > the simplest and most secure setup I can think of that can be > maintained by one person, relies on widespread and well tested code > (except for the custom certificate generation interface) and can > federate trivially. > > Note that it's security-sensitive code for which I don't even get code > review of my commits, with the exception of some recent post-debconf > review and feedback by paultag. > > However, if anyone takes sso.d.o over, and then at some point > disappears, I will be the most affected, as a broken sso.debian.org > means a broken nm.debian.org and contributors.debian.org and I am the > person taking care for those, too. In fact, I got stuck with > maintaining sso.debian.org because the other people involved pulled > out and I needed to keep nm.debian.org running, so that scenario has > happened before. If it happens again, depending on what > sso.debian.org will have become, I might choose to take down > nm.debian.org until someone else fixes sso.debian.org, instead of > taking ownership of something I can't maintain. > > I understand that gitlab has its own user database / registration / > password change infrastructure; if you want to use that, we can see > how to make sso.debian.org authenticate to it. > > If instead you prefer to have sso.debian.org handle non-DD > registration, it is doable: python3-django-registration exists and can > be used, and gitlab can probably then consume the client certificates. > > Between the two options, I would imagine that the gitlab registration > code is far more polished and well tested than > python3-django-registration, so I would suggest to have people > register on gitlab and then interface sso.debian.org with that.
As expressed during the DC17 DSA and Cloud BoFs, I'm in favour of two related but orthogonal things: 1 collapsing user management into a single user store (LDAP)** 2 introducing SAML or OIDC IdPs so that we can tie into AWS, Azure, and GCP SSO features 1 isn't necessarily a pre-requisite for 2 but the mishmash of processing we have Guest vs DM vs DD is fugly (let alone Alioth-type users). ** Not necessarily the opinion of all DSA team members. -- Luca Filipozzi