First, the original thread belongs on debian-user, not debian-devel. Please move the "how do I use the new (more than a decade old) networking tools" user question there.
* Rene Engelhard <> [170710 08:03]: > > > eth0 will be kept on upgrades, but new installs get new interface names > (that is good, that removed unpredictability if you add a new network card.) I do want to respond to this, though. (I see Adam already has, as well.) The new interface naming scheme seemed to have two primary goals: to have reproducible interface names, and to avoid using a state file. There also appeared to be a very minor goal of having short, simple names when easily done. I am very disappointed at the outcome, because I believe having short, simple names in _all_ cases is more important than not using a state file, by _at least_ an order of magnitude. The cost of a state file (/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules) is extremely small, even in the very worst case where a user continually plugs in many, many different usb network dongles, which is a very unrealistic case to begin with. On the other hand, the cost of having to deal with wlxf81a671bcfae just because you are using a usb dongle is considerable, and this is a very realistic and much more common case. This is a case of misplaced design priorities that has turned out very badly. I would like to see /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules moved somewhere that is not used by default (e.g. /usr/share/udev/optional-rules/) and only used if the sysadmin explicitly links to it in /etc/udev/rules.d/. Thanks, Adam, for the clue about how to disable this! ...Marvin