In the Debian tutorials, somewhere in the Debian file system[1] page
it states: “When you refer to root directory it means you talk about
the root of the file system: ‘/’. This is different from the home
directory for the root user: ‘/root’.”
The use of the same term with different meanings (“root”, in the case)
in general makes things getting confused for those non familiar with
the matter.
Would it be feasible to change the name of the /root directory to sort
out the confusion? It could be renamed as /adm, for instance.
I’m not an IT educated person, so I recognize that I may be suggesting
a nonsense. However, as a fairly recent user of a Debian based distro,
I got quite confused and somehow frustrated for not properly
understanding what the guidelines were telling me to do. Besides this
“root” issue, there is also the indiscriminate use of /home and home,
as well as the use of /home (ou just home) directory and /home
partition. I’ve sorted it out now, but it’s very confusing for someone
who newly arrives to linux (Debian, in the case).
Should it be possible to rename the /root directory it’d be already a
great improvement regarding the understanding of the system by a
newcomer to linux.
José Vieira
[1] https://www.debian-tutorials.com/debian-file-system#respond