Hello Zlatan,

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 09:45:46PM +0200, Zlatan Todoric wrote:
> Then lets forget about getting newcomers (fresh blood) to Debian as
> you're so close minded to modern/new things - the same way they probably
> close the window when they see '90 style with a lot of text that
> actually says nothing. We are strange with our talks last few debconfs -
> we want new people but we don't want to break our precious habits nor do
> we want to give freedom to others to express themselves if they don't
> fit into our circle of thinking which must be the best one.

I'm a relative newcomer, and I'm less than 30 years old, and one thing
that attracted me to Debian was the website's not being like lxde.org :)

More generally, while I agree that we should be flexible in the pursuit
of new contributors and users, we mustn't lose our identity in that

> Well Debian on its page doesn't mention it is Linux based or has Linux
> kernel or at all word Linux.

We have Linux, HURD and the FreeBSD kernel, though.  I suspect the
thought was Debian hopes its practices, values and community will
outlive any specific kernel, just like they could outlive apt/dpkg.

Sean Whitton

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