X-Previous-Subject: Re: Moving away from (unsupportable) FusionForge on Alioth
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 11:19:47AM +0200, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:
> On 14 May 2017 at 11:58, lumin <cdlumin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On the other hand, I fancy modern platforms such
> > as Gitlab, as a user. And wondering when Debian
> > will update its homepage (www.d.o) to a modern
> > design[1].
> >
> > [1] This is off-thread, but some of my young
> >     friends just gave up trying Debian at the
> >     first glance at our homepage.
> >
> off-thread, yes. But please spawn another thread to talk about this real 
> issue.

Doing so right now.

> Our users are really complaining about our look&feel in the web
> and we should address it.

"we should do so many things"
Thing I say about it:  Please do.

Whom ever steps forward for taking the Debian.org website in maintenance:
 * Downtime for several hours is fine
 * Is it okay to switch to a divert Version Control System. Yes, please move 
away from CVS
 * If translation workflow breaks, so be it. One challenge/problem at a time
 * The change will also effect the www-team. That is good

Geert Stappers
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs

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