The bug submitter followed up by private mail to me only; I'm cc:ing the bug report before closing it to provide a reasoned follow-up.
----- Forwarded message from Luis Duarte <> ----- Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 16:36:29 +0100 From: Luis Duarte <> To: Gunnar Wolf <> Subject: Re: Bug#860714: general: disk became full after running a perl program Message-ID: <> References: <20170419084010.1659.21073.reportbug@batelatas> <> X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,FREEMAIL_FROM, SPF_NEUTRAL autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Hi Wolf Thank you for replying and for being helpful. I wrote a batch of perl programs to deal with the emails returned to me. Everyday I send emails marketing a book I had written. The perl program I sent to you in attachment do the parsing of the files related to the emails returned to me. The emails are previously saved in a directory. The perl program analyses the return codes of emails, and accordingly, the email addresses are written in different files (a file with the email addresses considered spam; a file with email addresses considered unknown; a file with new email addresses, etc). The program also analyses the returning emails like "out of office". After that, another perl program includes the treated email addresses in a small (kind of) data base. Let's go to the reported bug. As I told you, I use the last release of debian Jessie, with Xfce. Previously, the perl programs were executable ones. Sometimes, in the file manager Thunar 1.6.3 I click two times in a perl program (executable) in order to open it with the gedit text editor, but instead to open it, I mistakenly execute it. It happens that the xfce4-terminal (0.6.3) don't open to show the output. Due to these actions, I think the disk became full several times, creating a lot of trouble. Since I marked the perl files as not executable, when I click two times on a perl file, it opens automatically gedit text editor, presenting the respective perl file. This way, the double click do not start the execution of the program. When I intend to run the perl program (file), I open a xfce4-terminal, and write: perl name_of_perl_program. Since then I had any problem. In Wheezy I got disk full a lot of times. In Jessie, it happen to me one time. I managed to free some disk, I restarted the computer, and I got 30% of disk usage instead of 100%. I think Jessie managed to recover nicely from this kind of error. On the contrary, Wheezy was a mess. Soon I will do some experimentation about this bug in a separate disk. I am not sure that the problem resides in the operating system, or in Xfce, or in my programs. I am not a perfect programmer. My best wishes Luis Duarte ----- End forwarded message -----